Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Meet Brodhecker Farm a Sussex County Farm harvesting more than field crops

Solar electric is added to the Brodhecker Farm harvest.

Solar electric panels- 430 to be precise- will add to the farm’s harvest this year. Long before the last frost left the ground, the system began harvesting the sun's rays and converting them to usable energy.

Brodhecker Farmfarm_of_the_month.jpg
Installed in 2009, the solar arrays sit atop two of the farm’s buildings producing energy in quantities sufficient to meet the farm’s needs -and give back to the community. The solar panel installation is one element of a larger plan toward energy efficiency and environmental consciousness.

“After evaluating the cost and savings as well as the benefit to the farm and community, we made the decision to install the solar array.” Phil Brodhecker, manager of Brodhecker Farm stated. “The farm uses considerable energy to power the lights, electric fencing for our cattle and sheep and the equipment and shops necessary to run the farm. Through partnership funding from Federal and State grants, we were able to install a system that supplies the farm’s needs. Surplus energy is returned and will help supply the needs of the community. It was a long process, but already worth it.”

Celebrating 40 years of agricultural productivity and sustainability, Brodhecker Farm in Hampton is a state licensed manufacturer of quality livestock feed and distributor of farm equipment and supplies. As NJ’s agricultural picture changes, Brodhecker Farm has adapted- successfully addressing the needs of small and large farm operations, livestock producers and more.

Exploring innovations and technologies which facilitate “greener” operations, has become part of the overall management plan, which addresses productivity, profitability and progress.

In 2008, the Brodheckers incorporated a "No-Till" planter into their corn production. The planter has increased productivity, reduced fuel consumption and minimized soil disturbance. No-Till means less disruption to the biodiversity-worms and microbial activity-necessary to healthy soil. It also means less soil erosion-a major concern to sustainability.

Brodheckers recently finished instalation of a geothermal heating and cooling systems at the farm.. Previous environmental improvements have resulted in cleaner water as run off from the cattle feed lot area is filtered before reaching the water basin.

Farmers, like the Brodhecker family, have a passion for agriculture and a dedication to preserving the environment that sustains their operation. As one of Sussex County’s largest commercial farm operations, Brodhecker Farm has taken a leadership role in embracing technology that improves the environment.

Striking a balance that results in environmentally friendly operations and continued profitability is a goal for all agriculturalists.

Sussex Naturally congratulates the Brodheckers on their 40+ years of farm operation and on the steps they're taking to insure a healthier planet.

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