Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hunt and peaches.jpgHarvest is a little earlier than usual this year...that's great news for NJ peach lovers and Windy Brow Farm Fredon. New Jersey is the forth largest producer of peaches in the United States. Windy Brow has over 1000 peach trees in their orchard. The peach crop compliments the variety of fruits: plum, pear and apple that the farm harvests each year. SCBOA farm member and Windy Brow owner, Jim Hunt and his crew have been busy handpicking the fantastic fruits- making sure the extreme summer heat doesn't spoil this years crop. Handpicking allows the farm to offer the ripest, most beautiful fruit for your table.

Several varieties of peaches are featured at  WINDY BROW FARM -and several more varieties will be ready to harvest within the next few weeks. Visions of peach cobbler, jam, preserves, pies and other great family treats were being planned by visitors who took home their "JERSEY FRESH" peaches from Windy Brow.

        Nothing beats the flavor of just picked peaches- unless they're JERSEY FRESH!

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